Friday 17 May 2024

It's Friday - gym day.

I decided last night that if it was a grey cold day when I woke up this morning I wasn't going to the gym. I don't do cold if it can be avoided. The forecast was for -3C overnight so there was a definite possibility of a bleak, grey day today. But I woke up and the sun was trying to shine and there wasn't any wind. So I toddled off and about halfway to my daughter's house I remembered I was meeting her at the gym not at home as usual. 😏

When I arrived my daughter was there with Theo and his mother. 
He's been going with his mother ever since he was an even smaller dot than he is now and the noise and bustle doesn't seem to bother him at all. I thought the noise might upset him, but no. Why are gyms so noisy I wonder?

After we were finished our session we kidnapped Theo and took him for a walk around the block while his mother finished off. 
Then I remembered that my other daughter was coming for a visit with Arlo after lunch so I headed home without the usual after gym hot drink with the others.

Arlo was happy, great grandad had set up his construction set and got the big lego blocks out. Later he got out some of the board games and he and his grandmother played a couple of games of snakes and ladders. He starts school on 4th June, five already, I don't know where that time has gone.

My daughter also gave me this burgundy 
jacket for Mother's Day. I love the colour. 

When she left she took three bags of feijoas with her to give to family and friends. They have just started to fall and the tree is absolutely laden. The apples in the other bowl are from my son's tree, so that is a good saving on fruit - I like my daily fruit fix :)

And that's it for today.
Until next time, keep well, keep warm.


  1. You had a good day! Theo is a cutie. I like that jacket color too!

  2. Your school year must be opposite ours becasue of the opposite seasons. Never occurred to me before but that makes sense.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time with the great grands and girls and just enjoying being together. Love that beautiful vest! It looks warm and comfy!

  4. What a lovely day with family. Our feijoas have finished now (we had a bumper crop so really enjoyed them this year).

  5. A lovely day with your daughters and grandsons.
    I'v never had a feijoa.

  6. Never having been in a gym I have no idea whether they are noisy or not - and I don’t intend to find out!

  7. I'm glad you had fun with the family at the gym. That's a place I've not visited, but can imagine the benefits of exercise.


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