Thursday 15 February 2018

Odds and ends

Just a few words and pictures to catch up with everyone.
First I've been locked out of Google for a few days but
 number one son now has me up and running again.

Middle sis has been over from Aussie and is now away home again. She likes a busy holiday so that's what we have been - busy.
Amongst other things we have been to the Chinese Gardens to see a Chinese opera.

We have visited family, eaten meals together
 and then relaxed and just enjoyed each others company.

We've gone for drives and ended up drinking tea,
coffee and hot chocolates after eating more food.
Some of the places we went had some fun décor as well.

And on top of that we have had our roof repaired.
We lost some of the ridge iron during a storm last winter
and have been waiting for about 5 months to have
 the whole roof repaired. It was finished the day before
another torrential storm hit us - phew :)

And now I am preparing for my youngest sister to arrive.
Also from Australia but that is not for a week or two yet.
So some breathing space :)

Monday 5 February 2018

Stinky plant

My brother has been over from Aussie and is away again. Middle sister arrived the following day so it has been a bit of a busy time. This morning we, sis, youngest daughter and I, went in to the Dunedin Botanic Gardens to view the Corpse Plant as it is commonly called. It's botanical name is Amorphophallus titanum. We weren't sure that we would see it before it collapsed as it has already been open for two days but we were in luck. It was closing when we saw it and was past it's best and the stink had dissipated somewhat. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not as I would have liked to experience the whole shebang, stinking or not. Another time maybe.

This way.

Sis (in pink) talking to an attendant.

Corpse plant

We have also been to a Chinese opera 
but I'll tell you about that another time.

Until next time,