Friday 23 November 2012

Bull Creek

We are still having typical spring weather - it's all over the place.
Today is blue skies, white fluffy clouds and a coolish breeze, but the temperatures are supposed to get to a high of 16 degs C.
Not like it was on Sunday afternoon when a small group of us went 70 kilometres down the road, half of which were gravel, to Bull Creek.
 It was a lot of fun even though the wind was cold and blowing a gale it stayed fine. We did some bush walking,
the kids played on an old tire swing in one of the clearings,
And then we headed for the beach.

The tide was out so there were a lot of rock pools
to go exploring in. And mussel beds to avoid.

It was far too cold for swimming but that didn't deter the little boys, or some of the bigger ones for that matter, from getting wet to the waist and having to go home wrapped in blankets or towels.
 Boys will be boys!
On the way home we passed this World War One memorial  in the middle of nowhere, so I couldn't resist taking a photo.
It's still being cared for, the grass is kept cut and scrub cleared, and I imagine there is still a small gathering there every
Happy Thanksgiving
to all readers in the USA.

Monday 12 November 2012

Caravans and fish

We decided it was time for a break away last weekend so my GKB put in for annual leave and I took my normal days off and we packed up and went up to the caravan for a few days.
Once we got ourselves sorted out we just sat around enjoying the warm sun. So nice to sit and relax with not a worry in the world.
We didn't bother with the awning as we weren't going to be there long enough to warrant the trouble of putting it up.
Thank goodness we didn't.
That night the temperatures dropped and the rain poured down
non-stop (and I mean non-stop) and the snow snowed.
Oh dear.
When we got up in the morning we found a pond outside our door and snow not quite right down to town level. Just a tad chilly!
We had a good few days of enforced slothfulness which we both enjoyed. My GKB went down to the lake to try for a fish, nothing biting, and I went out walking a couple of times.
The sun came out again the day we left.
 Oh well, thems the breaks.
Talking about fishing -
- my GKB has done quite well the last couple of times he's been out with the angling club. The photo above is some of the trout he caught about three weeks ago, including the prizewinner for the largest and the heaviest fish. (2.3kg which I think is 4lb 9oz).
 He was really chuffed. 
Then yesterday he arrived home with more, which I promptly gave to our eldest daughter who was visiting. And he had also won the raffle which was a box of assorted goodies - drink bottles (for youngest grandsons), daughters new beau scored the cap and I now have a lovely ceramic tile adorning my kitchen wall.
There are still several items to be given homes but that won't be hard to do. Perfume, lawn sprinkler, coffee mug and gardening gloves to name a few. It was a bit like a lucky dip. It's lovely to win something or receive something unexpectedly, isn't it?
And this year I have my sunflower seeds in on time!!!
I am sooo good :D)
Have a good week everyone