Sunday 22 January 2012

one, two, three - thanks

Like Kim at nannykim's place I have
been following Ann Voskamp's1000 gifts principles,
that is to give thanks for 3 things each day for a year.
I meet a friend for lunch every Monday and
 we share our three things for each day of the previous week
with each other, that way we are accountable.
It is fun.
It is quite surprising to see what our separate
interpretations of each days three things is.
Sometimes we are coming at it from a totally different
perspective, but that makes it all the more interesting.
It is a great place to kick off our prayer time together.

Today the first thing to give thanks for was something in the sky and although this photo was
not taken today it is fairly typical of a Taieri sky
 at this time of the year - summer believe it or not.
As our summer sun is really vicious because of the hole in the ozone layer over us, it is great to sometimes have
some cloud cover. And this year our southern farmers are experiencing drought conditions so if the clouds
are a precursor of rain that is even better.
(As long as it falls at night time :)

Secondly we are to give thanks for one thing from my memory.
Well what can I say, I give thanks for my
childhood memories a wonderful time 
spent in the outdoors with cousins and friends
and in an atmosphere of utter well being. (The 50's)
The photo above is one we took when we were back in
 the ol' hometown last year.
These are the memorial gates from outside my
old primary school. The school buildings are long gone
 but the gates were saved and are now at the entrance to  Dixon Park which has a children's playground and
a creek running through it. A real symbol of my childhood.

The picture above is a representation of the third thanks -
one thing that is ugly-beautiful. This is one of the steam punk sculptures we saw in Oamaru near the end of last year.
 I'm not sure about the beautiful part of it but they sure
were ugly. I think they probably emphasised the beauty of the lovely white Oamaru stone on the buildings round about them.

Well that's it. I'm keen to meet up with my friend on
 Monday so we can share God's gifts with each other
 and have a bit of a giggle.

Goodnight all, and have a good week.

Sunday 8 January 2012

pretty flowers and a snowman

Aren't my flowers pretty? My sister in law picked them for me from her garden just before Christmas and I have just thrown the last of them out this week.

And I have been sooooo gooooood. My Christmas stuff is all packed away for the year. The tree is back in its box and the bins of decorations are back in the man cave somewhere - I leave the putting away of the bins and tree up to my GKB.
 Friday 6th being twelfth night I thought I should make an effort and do it. So after breakfast and doing a little bit of essential housework I got stuck in, and you know what? I enjoyed it! When my GKB arrived home I was on a roll and hadn't even stopped for a coffee. Mind you, these days he gets home in time for a late lunch, so it isn't as bad as it sounds. I packed everything up and then decided I might as well clean the whole room while I was moving furniture about so everything is dusted and polished and shiny and bright. My GKB even luxed (vacuumed, hoovered) the floors for me cos he knows that is the one job I really hate doing.

I do have one Christmas thingy still out though and that is because my little grandboys haven't discovered what it is yet. I think with everyone being outside on Christmas Day they just didn't see it.
The snowman covers a lolly container and is currently filled with mini packets of gummi bears.
 I have had it for years. My own kids loved when it came out but the 2 grandboys haven't had enough Christmases here yet to have discovered what it is - we have turns at hosting on Christmas Day. They will be back from holiday at the end of the week though.

Well my bed is calling so I am going to say goodnight to you all.
Have a great week.