Friday 28 October 2016

More randomness :)

As you will see, the weather has been random if nothing else.

A couple of weeks ago I walked to help raise money for Hart Walkers.  These walkers or 'child orthotic trainers' cost $NZ9,850. I thought the response to this appeal for people to walk was really disappointing. Below is a picture of everyone who turned up at the event where I took part. We walked around one of the local race courses, several times in fact. I did 10 ks.  I'm not sure how much was raised. It started out cool and overcast and became 
warm and overcast :)

One lovely sunny morning last week both my girls arrived over and decided to take me shopping for flowers for the garden. We headed out towards the airport where there is a roadside stall with an honesty box and picked through the plants for sale. I came home with some lovely pansies that I've planted out into boxes. There was one pottle of sweet little black ones but my daughter got to them before me. Bummer :) That evening we had thunder and lightning and a hailstorm.

I spent long time one evening wrapping small gifts for a ladies afternoon tea I was going to. Isn't it  amazing how long it takes to wrap these small parcels, you look at them and think this won't take long, but in fact when you have a reasonable number of them it can take hours. Still they were appreciated by the people who received them. I took them outside to photograph mid morning after a soft rain had been falling most of the night.

I went to the Christmas ( I know, it's still a while off, well only 8 weeks actually) afternoon tea yesterday and had a nice relaxing time. My little mother came with me but was ready for home after an hour or so. She enjoyed watching the 'passing traffic' as she called everyone, and she had a catchup with one or two people she hadn't seen for a while. There was a nice spread and I was able to bring home a couple of goodies for my GKB. It was a lovely warm day and we had the doors opened out to the lawn so people could stroll about if they wanted to. The lawn has a haha wall before it drops to a lower level and has a lovely view out over the plain. 

looking north towards the hills

 I've finished reading one of the Narnia books as part of the 
reading challenge I'm taking part in and have started on my next one. I know The Magician's nephew by C.S. Lewis is aimed at children but I enjoyed reading some of this series to my kids. I can't remember reading this particular one to them though and enjoyed it anyway. Easy reading. Some days have been warm and sunny and I have been able to sit outside for a while to read. Actually I rolled my trouser legs up one morning and noticed later in the day that my legs were a bit burnt!

joining Amy and her friends for:
Five on Friday

Thursday 13 October 2016

In the garden...,

pretty weeds,
more flowers,
apple blossom
and rhubarb.

I realise my posts are a bit light weight at the moment.
I have stuff going on with my little Mother just now and I need to concentrate on her. A lot of hospital visits and other health related appointments. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, they are appreciated very much.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Daffodils and blossom

Did you see the Tui in the bottom photo?
Tuis are beautiful native birds.
There were dozens of them feeding 
on the nectar, so lovely to see and listen to.
If you would like to see a better picture of,
 or read a little about, the tui, click here.

joining Amy and friends for:
Five on Friday 
Friday foto friends