Friday 24 October 2014

A morning at the mall

We looked out the window at breakfast time and this is what we saw. A lovely rainbow after the squall that had just blown through. More squalls and icy winds were expected throughout the day, oh wonderful spring, so we decided we'd tidy up and go into the mall for the day.

There's a long weekend coming up, Labour weekend,
 and with it being Friday it was quite busy.
We decided to start at the top and wander our way to the bottom. 
There was a little bit of this... 

...going on but I was very good and only bought a couple of the bells you can see in the photo. I like to buy my grandkids a Christmas decoration each so got one each for the little boys. The girls are bit older so I try to get them something that teenage girls might enjoy, like blingy handbags or shoes, just for fun. After I bought the bells I was shunted quite smartly out of there, I'm a bit like a magpie when it comes to sparkly things. 
Then we went into a big chain store and I came out with this...

...for my daughter who has just moved house. 
I put it on my kitchen table to take a picture and now I'm not sure,
 I may have to keep it for myself. Hmm. It looks really pretty where it is,
and I was wanting something just for that spot.
Lunch time, so we decided to head over to the Warehouse, 
where we get coffee the way we like it, and where a little bit of this...

...was going on. I said to my GKB that we needed to get some of those treats
on the way out just in case we had kids knocking on the door.
 But we got home without them. There's time yet though.
There was also a little bit of this...

...happening, so I bought a couple of the tin soldiers
 you can see hanging on the rack.
I thought they were cute and there were only 2 sets left,
 no good leaving them here, this might be all they get in!

We had a good day out, now to make something quick and easy for tea 
and we can put our feet up for the evening.

Have a good week,

Tuesday 14 October 2014


Do you remember Leo, my friends cat? I transported him to and from
 the cattery while she was in hospital. 

Well I thought I would  give you a little update on him.
He has had a hair cut!

Yes this is the same boy.
You can see he looks quite different with short hair.
But still has the ruff and cute face.

He will feel so much better during the heat of the summer.

These were taken the day after he came home from the vet 
 and I think he was still a little dozy from the anaesthetic. 
I laugh a little when  see him, I can't help it, to me he looks like a 
character out of the Star Wars movies.
(I just can't remember what the little creatures were called).

Have a good week,

Monday 6 October 2014

St Paul's Cathedral

A wee while ago I posted some photo's from inside St Paul's Cathedral, Dunedin and I still have a few photo's so thought I would share them. Some are from outside and others inside, including one or two from the first post. There are quite a few of the stained glass, but they are beautiful in my opinion, so I've put them in.

The current bishop on the day of his installation, processing into the cathedral with his entourage.

Looking from the bottom of the steps to the main doors. Most people come in through a side door, thus negating the need to walk up all the steps. I have been told that once upon a time bridal parties paid a price per step to walk up or down them, but that could be folk lore.

Detail above the big main doors.

Taken from below a set of side steps.

The perspex cross was added when the chancel was completed in the early 1970's, amidst a lot of controversy. Work wasn't completed on the cathedral earlier through lack of funds and so it is quite unique in that the first building was constructed in the 1800's, construction of the cathedral in it's current form began in 1913 with the foundation stone laid in 1915.  

The Bishops' throne

Pulpit carved from Oamaru stone.

A magnificent pipe organ often used for recitals as well as worship services.

More Oamaru stone in the form of a beautifully carved font.

And so to the stained glass.

Some of this glasswork is quite modern and the face of the current bishop 
graces one of the depictions of St. Paul. 

Looking back to the West door.

If you'd like to know more about the Cathedral this is the link.

I hope I haven't bored you 
with such a long post.
See you next week.

Linking with:
inSPIREed Sunday

Thursday 2 October 2014

Another shadow

Do you remember about a year or so back I posted about a    shadow picture that we thought looked like an old man? Well here's another one. Same chair, same sheepskin, same wall. Maybe we'll have to change the furniture around.

My GKB thinks it looks like a bear, 
but I'm opting for a pug nosed cat. 
What do you think?

Until next week,