Sunday 31 March 2024

Resurrection Sunday


Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed!

Friday 29 March 2024

Good Friday

Behold Jesus!
The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!
He was pierced for our transgressions!
The punishment that bought us peace was on Him, 
and by His stripes we are healed!

John 1:29b & Isaiah 53:5


Saturday 23 March 2024

A wander around the garden

We'll take a wander shortly.

 First here is a pic of my GKB with young Theo. We were invited over while he was up so that Great grandad could meet him with his eyes open :) but Theo had other ideas. He did eventually open his eyes for a short time though so they have now officially eyed each other :)

We didn't stay too long as my GKB was the only male there and he gets a bit restless when it's all female company - and it can't be much fun when it is all baby talk to boot :) 

We decided to do some grocery shopping on the way home and then I wanted to have a look at the rose garden in the Memorial Gardens - which are just across the road from the supermarket.

The entry from the carpark. I love this entry at any time of the year.

Walk through a wee way and you can see the adjacent skate park through the trees on the right. There were a lot of birds flitting away from me here but too quick to get a picture - and they blended well into the trees.

Look in the opposite direction and there is a lovely big green, just right for picnics or taking the little ones for a play. Nice shaded seating as well, under the trees.

Entrance to the rose garden. The garden was fenced in this red brick as well, until a few years ago. I'm not sure why it was removed as I think the gardens themselves looked better - more formal if you like - which is how I think a rose garden should be. But that's just my opinion.

And finally the memorial rose garden itself. Looking a bit shabby at the end of summer and after the wind and rain of the past few days.
But more roses still in bloom than I thought there would be.

There is also a fenced children's playground out near the carpark. It's a lovely garden in the middle of town.

 I hope you've enjoyed a little look at a small part of our town.
Until next time, take care.


Friday 15 March 2024

Autumn is here

 March has certainly come in like a lion, but it is the beginning of autumn here so not altogether unexpected. Further inland it is snowing but at least it is just squally showers here today. The mornings are darker too, so it is harder to wake up, and the evenings are drawing in. Time to think about putting the winter sheets on the bed.

Early morning.

Today was gym/walk day and we had thought we would meet up with the new mother and take baby for a walk but it was too cold and blustery. Instead youngest daughter and I ended up at the gym and on the treadmill before heading over to participate in baby Theo's bath time and have cuddles. He's a good, contented baby. So Sassy missed out on her walk with me today. I also took the opportunity of delivering the baby album my GKB and I had bought for them. 

At the end of last year I joined a small collective where for $7-50 I can get a small bag of vegetables that last us for 2 weeks. You're informed of what's in the bags before you order, there is not an option but I don't mind as we like most veges, and if you don't like the selection there's no need to order. This week we received potatoes, onions broccoli, marrow and a cabbage. No root veges this time but no matter, I already had some in the fridge. There's also the option of buying a meat pack, and extra vegetables if you want. And you can opt in and out as you want so you don't have to buy every week if it doesn't suit. A good deal I think.

And apart from that it has been a quiet week. I haven't been out much as my hearing aids are playing up and it's not much fun when you can't hear what people are saying and can't hold a conversation. But hopefully next week will be better - I've had an appointment with the audiologist and she has hopefully fixed the problem :)

So not much to share.
Until next time look after yourselves,


Friday 8 March 2024


 It's been a week of celebrations for our family.

On Friday we had a visit from middle Granddaughter and her new fiancee. They came around especially to tell us they had just become engaged. She is a lovely thoughtful girl and he is an outgoing and caring man and I think they are well matched. We're very happy for them. 

On Saturday my daughters took me out and bought me a 'decent' pair of walking shoes for my birthday. All the kids contributed. Asics. They've taken a bit of getting used to, and I think I look like I'm wearing Daisy Duck shoes, but they're really comfortable. Just as well for the price :) That evening we went to number one son's home for a lovely birthday dinner. 

And a couple of days later we welcomed a new addition to the family. Theo was expected to arrive on my birthday but he had other ideas. He wanted his own day :) He is our grandson's son and our fourth great grandchild. He is well loved :)

I will leave you there and try and have a catch up with everyone as the day goes on.

Enjoy your week, keep well, 

Sunday 3 March 2024

Round up of the past week

It's been a busy week. Monday was just the normal round of housework and making sure I had everything ready for the Aglow meeting on Tuesday night.

Tuesday I spent a bit of time finding last minute substitutes for people who couldn't get to the meeting after all, for various reasons, so couldn't help as had been planned. But it all worked out well and we had a great meeting. People are pretty good at filling in on the night anyway but it's nice to have things organised.

Wednesday is my half day in the local Christian bookshop where I volunteer. We have people come in for all sorts of reasons, some want prayer, some want to drop off a prayer request and others just want a chat. Some even buy books or gifts!  :) It's a nice wee shop, selling a great range of goods from books and clothing to cards and gifts.

Thursday saw me up with the larks - before 6am - so I could be over at my friends house for a 7:45am start on our trip south. I don't like to rush in the mornings. We were headed to Gore, which is a couple of hours drive away, for a combined Aglows board meeting. People come from all over the south of the south and it's good to have a catch up with those we haven't seen for a while and to meet the new board members.

 Below is a picture of the back garden of the house we met at, a great space for relaxing and chatting over a hot or cold drink. The lady of the house said the garden didn't look too good this year - I wish my garden didn't look this too good :) We arrived home about tea time and I was pleased to see my bed on Thursday night.

Friday was walk the dog day again. Sassy was really excited to see me as the last few times I've been over we've been out walking. Today we went over to John Wilson Drive. which has the beach on one side and the golf course on the other.

 All dogs have to be on a leash as it is baby sea lion season and some of the mothers have taken their pups over to the bushes by the golf course to keep them safe from any bull sea lions. They stay well hidden usually but sometimes come out and sunbathe on the road or on the course. 
And no, Sass is not pooping, just wondering why Granma has to take a photo of her - again :) she's got better things to do.

This pic is just for fun. I love the mural above the centre shops.
There is an optometrist on one side and a cookie shop on the other.