The weather is all over the place at the moment and so are my walking and cycling plans. There's quite a bit of walking going on though as I am car less for half the day and if I want to get places I have to walk, which I am not complaining about, I enjoy it.

It is also the silly season and so everyone is busy, busy, busy. Busy with buying Christmas presents, we have decided to limit our purchases to under $20-00 this year for the adults and that is quite challenging, but I only have Mums to get now and I know what that will be. Oh, and the teenage grand daughters, they are not so easy to buy for. Probably this year it will be vouchers from some popular store so they can go shopping on boxing day and have fun in the crowds. Oh and the 20 something grandson, that's not quite so simple.

Then there are the Christmas parties, vestry, youth group, Sunday school for a start then the works
do's as well. Then getting roped into being part of the puppet show, which ended up being greatly enjoyed by all, thank goodness as I thought it would be a disaster, it was at the dress rehearsal.

I have also helped to decorate 2 trees, neither of them mine, that is still in its box in the garage somewhere, but I hope to get to it sometime in the next week.
We, the GKB and myself have been to the Santa parade at the weekend and there are some picture on the page of some of the crowd who were there to watch a great parade which had over 80 floats to entertain us. Two of the grandchildren were on floats, near the end of the parade. And we were at the end of the route but it was a great atmosphere while we were waiting, with excited kids and bands playing, and chocolate treats and cardboard reindeer ears.
The excitement is certainly building, especially when you have kids around. Christmas - it can't come soon enough...