The days are getting shorter. The mornings have a bit of a nip in them now and dew is starting to form on the grass and on the cars left out overnight. The leaves are beginning to change colour on the trees. Autumn is definitely here.

I went walking through the park a few days ago while out and about. The park is lovely just now, summer flowers are fading and the leaves are starting to drop. The sky was a brilliant blue and there was no wind, just lovely. It made a nice change to pavement pounding...which I have been doing a bit of lately.

After a trek up Baldwin Street a couple of weeks ago I have decided I am less fit than I thought and will have to up the ante if am going to walk the full length of the rail trail next year. I thought we were only doing a section at a time, and we are, but alas, it is a long section and will probably take 3 or 4 days to complete. Oh dear.

Finally, my beautiful sunflowers are looking back at me instead of over the neighbours fence. Good one! :D)