Sunday, 11 February 2024

New beginnings

 It has been quite a busy weekend after a slow week. And it could have been busier but I chose to forgo the working bee. Instead I baked a fruit loaf to take out with me on Saturday evening.

Saturday evening two of the young people from my study group celebrated their engagement with a shared meal followed by a ceilidh. An open invitation was issued at church and instead of taking a gift we were asked to take a favourite family dish, savoury or dessert, to share and to include the recipe. There was a great variety of dishes as we have a great mix of ethnicities among us. Son suggested I take the fruit loaf I used to send him while he was at bible college so I did as I was told.

For those who are not familiar with ceilidh it involves music, singing and dancing. Scottish or Irish dancing. Quite enthusiastic dancing at times. It was a lot of fun, even though it was the first time for most of us. We had a very good instructor in the wee girl who had just become engaged and her fiance played the fiddle. I joined the circular dancing which didn't require a partner but once we were told to pair up I decided to sit them out. I thought some of the younger people might be a bit too enthusiastic for me and I didn't want to end up on the floor! There's a bit of whirling and twirling that goes into it :) And so for that young couple we celebrated their new beginning.

The second new beginning was for our church.

the rugby clubrooms

We finally moved into our own building after five years of worshipping in borrowed buildings, two years in another church building and the last 3 in one of the city's football (rugby) rooms. Today was a really joyful occasion in that we were not only in our own premises but we celebrated the birthday of our eldest parishioner - 95 tomorrow.

The rugby club were gracious enough to let us borrow some of their chairs until we get our own as there is not enough seating with just the pews. There was a working bee on Saturday morning to get everything ready, the one I decided not to go to :)

I think it will take a little bit of getting used to being back in a formal church setting but it is lovely to know we have a permanent home.

That's it today.

Have a wonderful week



  1. Hi, Diana! Thanks for visiting my blog. I've heard of ceilidhs but never participated in one. I'm with you, I'd probably sit out the paired dances too. But what a wonderful way to celebrate an engagement.

    The church I attended in Florida, before I moved to TN had been a storefront one for years. They built and moved into their new building just 2 months before I moved. It is an exciting time. They have really grown since then which is a blessing.

    I enjoyed seeing all the photos on your side bar. Isaiah 43:1 is one of my life verses. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. Sounds like a fun time. What a great way to get some good recipes to start off with!!!
    Congratulations on your new church building!!!

  3. A ceilidh is a good way of having fun whatever your age.

  4. Now that's an interesting idea, don't think I've ever been in one but the fruit loaf sounds yummy

  5. I love that, wish we had that here... You get to meet new people and have fun at the same time.


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