Sunday 10 August 2014




I didn't realise how much light was blocked out of our kitchen
 and dining room until these next door trees were taken down. 
It's like a light has been turned on.

Have a good week.


  1. We did the same to our trees and bushes that are a barrier from our neighbours. Now that we have new people next door we don't need the barrier to stop the worry of footballs and other paraphernalia coming over the fence so down they came, and everything looks so open and fresh :-) Happy days!

  2. Makes a big difference.
    Enjoy your rays of sunshine!!

  3. What a coincidence! I had our laurel tree cut back by two thirds this very morning, completely on a whim, and our kitchen is flooded with light! Lovely, isn't it? X

  4. I like having a nice bright house. : )

  5. Thats was a big tree!
    enjoy your sunshine.
    let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

  6. Oh, yes...enjoy your new light. :)

  7. I really like having shade trees, but they sure do block the light. Enjoy!

  8. Trees do make a difference don't they? They grow slowly and we can't see any difference, then when they are suddenly gone, we see the effect.

  9. I'm always torn between loving trees and wanting to let the light stream in - I guess the best option is to have plenty of trees but none too near the house. Enjoy your newly light and bright room!

  10. Sometimes, we don't know what we don't have until we get it! Light makes such a difference. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. Oh My!!! Happy for you that you finally got the good amount of light, Diana♪
    Light is the key for our lives, isn't it :-)
    Well, actually my neighbor's big overgrown tree is blocking the view from the car to pass safely! Different problem p;)
    I hope you will have a wonderful coming weekend, and not so cold. We are going to have unusual rainy days for summer,.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  12. Whenever we give our shrubs a haircut I feel that we're actually strengthening the tree. Kind of correcting their split ends! And, isn't it wonderful to have the sunshine in your kitchen? Nothing beats having lots of light in the house. Good job!

  13. Isn't that amazing, now the sunshine :)

  14. I had a tree taken down recently, a few trimmed and my neighbor trimmed her tree as well.....amazing the difference it makes in light. Enjoy that new found sunshine!!

  15. I bet you're enjoying all the natural light pouring in. We had a few trees in our yard cut down and it's made such a difference.


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