Friday 11 October 2013

Through the track (part two)

As promised I have finally taken another walk 
through the track and taken photo's on the other side. 
Apart from this one. 

I couldn't resist. Cows have such beautiful eyes.
 I'm not sure that they were 'girl' cows though, 
I think they may have been juvenile boys, so I didn't tarry long.
Juvenile boys of any kind can be a bit unpredictable.
They were in the paddock where previously
the horse had been looking over the electric fence.

This side of the track is more cultivated than the other side.
I was going to say more civilised 
but thought that would be rather rude of me, haha.
But you'll see what I mean.

Horses relaxing in the spring sunshine.

The pine trees at the back are 
actually quite a distance away, 
across a road well behind the front houses.

Sheep in a paddock at back 
with deer fencing in the front. 
The deer fences are two metres high, 
to stop the deer escaping. 
No deer there today though.

A sheep, alpaca and horse 
at the racecourse end of the track. 
I thought they were all sharing the same 
paddock but no, the horse is further back.

A fairly traditional farm house,
when it was built it would have been regarded
 as rather a flash place - right up to date.
These days it may have the farm labourer 
and his family living in it,
or the original farmer with his wife,
 while the son will have built himself a new 'flash' place
just down the road a bit where Dad could keep an eye on him.

The entrance and driveway to a 'new flash' house.
If you look really hard you can just see the corner of 
the house behind the trees near the left side of the picture.

And back to the start,
from whence we came.

I hope you've enjoyed taking another stroll 
through the track with me in the spring sunshine.
It was lovely and warm with no breeze
and a hawk (aka: swamp harrier) circling overhead.

Until next time,
take care,


  1. Yes. I did enjoy another walk! Love the new header photo too.

  2. Beautiful country walk~ I could smell the crisp cool air. I loved all the spacious land and farm house loved it...

  3. Hi Diana. I love cows as well. We quite often have them here in the fields right next to our garden. This was an enjoyable walk and I loved all the photos. This is one of the nice things about blogging - we get to see places from all over the world :) Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Forgot to say - your new header is so sweet!

  5. All that space and greenness to walk in! Wonderful, you lucky, lucky thing, you!

    Denise x

  6. Hi Diana! What a sweet post. I love outdoorsy places and those little lambs - darling. I love your header with those little cuties. Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Dearest Diana;
    So sorry for my belated comment for this sweet post. Starting the lovely new header with sweet baby sheep (or alpaca) I was born in the sheep year from the Oriental Zodiac and hadn't seen them until I've been to Australia late 40s p;)
    I wish I could take a walk with you in that gorgeous nature with you, I would be more healthier, haha. Hope your leg is not troubling you, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear Japanese friend in New Zealand, xoxo Miyako*

    1. My Dear Diana;
      Careless me found another BIG mistake!!! I must have mistakenly pasted "Japanese" part in my comment here and the mail I sent you now as well. Whew, I feel so embarrassed and blushed. You know, I don't have a drivers licence. I knew I shouldn't drive(^^;)

      Lots of Love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Oh Miyako, we're a great pair - I didn't notice you'd written 'Japanese' Until you pointed it out. :) Oh dear, perhaps I shouldn't drive either!
    love and blessings,

  9. Thank you very much for your sweet reply.
    Relieved me A LOT ♡♡♡
    Lots of Love and Hugs, xoxo Miyako*


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