It started out as a normal week.
On Monday I went out for a very enjoyable coffee date with a lady from church. I haven't known her long so it was a good opportunity to get to know each other a bit better and we found we had a few things in common. Like line dancing, she still goes, I don't. She also goes to an exercise group for older people that I am trying to get back into. Anyway there were other things as well and we'll probably catch up again but she lives in the city and I live in the burbs so possibly not too often.
On Tuesday my GKB and I finally got to go out for my birthday lunch and that was lovely too, even if the rain did decide to bucket down just as we arrived at the restaurant. We both had crumbed schnitzel with onion gravy and chips with salad. I don't know about you but I am not a fan of modern salads, I find them hard to eat unless I've something to mix them with - this time it was either chips or gravy! But don't get me wrong it was a thoroughly enjoyable meal apart from that :) Washed down with a cup of tea for me and a cold drink for my GKB.
Then Wednesday happened!
I'd done my shift at the shop, come home and had just got changed and sat down to have a hot drink before tea and the phone went. It was one of my friends, she was at her doctors and needed to go to the Emergency Dept at the hospital urgently and would I be able to take her? So of course I did - but I really can't understand why they didn't call an ambulance for her. Her nearest family are two hours away by car. I sat with her at the hospital until 9:30pm when they decided to admit her. She is a very sick little lady, with a pulmonary embolism on each lung.
I sat in the foyer waiting for my GKB to come back and pick me up, he'd driven us in but I didn't see the point in both of us sitting there with her and I didn't want to go home in case they decided not to admit her. I had the shop again the next day but I also needed to take things like toiletries into her as well as some clean underwear, so that was the morning taken care of.
Friday I stayed home and caught up on sleep and then did my washing. I wasn't vey interested in doing anything else. Call me strange if you like but I quite enjoy washing and pegging it out on the line - relaxing in the warm sun. Today is Saturday, I've been in for a visit and caught up with friend's daughter who is hoping to take her home with her for a few days when she is discharged. I hope she's sensible and goes with her.
On the way home from the hospital we visited The Warehouse where they are starting to get ready for St Patrick's Day and of course Easter. One of my sisters in Aussie wants marshmallow eggs so we were looking for those for her.
So I apologise that I haven't been visiting as I might,
I've been a tad busy this week and haven't had the energy :)
Take care until next time.
Looks like a very busy and eventful week for sure. I'm glad you had some good times mixed with the difficult time for your friend. Thank you for taking care of her like that. She is blessed to have you as her friend. Your tea cup and saucer at the restaurant look so sweet and delicate. I love it when cafe's serve tea in a real tea cup. It doesn't happen very often. We mostly get tea in a coffee mug here, and I don't like that at all! I also would love to hang out my laundry to dry, but I don't currently have a clothesline here to do that. Maybe I should get one. I especially love it for the bedsheets. I miss that wonderful outdoorsy fresh fragrance on our sheets! I hope you have a more peaceful week ahead.
ReplyDeleteWow, you really have been busy. Glad you were able to get in the coffee date. I hope your friend goes with her daughter for a bit too and heals well.
ReplyDeleteI love hanging sheets on the line, they smell so good!
Hoping next week is a little calmer for you.
Yes, I too wonder why they didn't have an ambulance take her to the hospital. She is lucky though to have a friend like you!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy hanging the clothes on the line too. I don't even own a clothes dryer so do it often!!