Thursday, 6 March 2025

A couple of birthdays, a cyclone and orcas

A couple of birthdays seventy six years apart. 

Well that's our age difference. Young Theo turned one on Wednesday and I had my 77th birthday a couple of days before. 

Theo had a wonderful day, he woke to a room full of balloons and birthday presents from his Mum.

And after his Dad picked him up from daycare he came to his Granma's house for smash cake and more birthday presents. He's so loved by his rellies, inlaws and outlaws. There's an awful lot of us.

Smash cake, in case you're not familiar with it, is a sponge cake covered in cream or ganache which is just for baby to smash and play in. In this case leftovers went to Sassy, the dog, who thoroughly enjoyed it. There's generally other cake for other people:) He, Theo,  had lots of fun :)

Mum picked him up about 6pm and he went home for a party with Mum's family where he had a Micky Mouse cake - and of course more presents. I think he would have been a tired wee boy by the time bedtime came and I'll bet he slept well.

Diana had a much quieter day but still enjoyable. My friend Carol rang the evening before to see if anyone was taking me out to lunch and if not could she? So I said yes and we went up to Blend for a very pleasant lunch and chat before she had to head off to her exercise class. We had hoped to sit out in the garden area but the weather didnt cooperate.

In the afternoon Vanessa came over and fed my sweet tooth. She brought coconut ice and chocolate. The coconut ice is gone but the chocolate is still there. I try to limit my sugar intake these days or I may have to join Carol's class :) Maybe I should anyway, hmm.

In the evening we went over to Aaron and Sofi's home for a lovely roast dinner and they sent us home with all the leftovers which was enough for another meal each! They also gave me a voucher for one of the clothing shops here in town and a lovely card. 
My GKB and I are going out for lunch tomorrow which I'm quite looking forward to. At the Grange. My GKB hasn't been there before so a new experience for him.

image courtesy Bureau of Meteorology Australia

We've been watching Cyclone Alfred with interest. It's off the east coast of southern Queensland today and due to make landfall in the next 24 hours. It's fifty years since they've had a cyclone in the area. I have a friend and a cousin in the Brisbane/Gold Coast area so praying they're not too badly affected. When we first started watching it was off the coast of Mackay in north Queensland and we have quite a number of family members there so were quite relieved when it changed track and started heading south. Now it's just a matter of watching and waiting.

And something totally different - we have had orcas in the harbour! An adult male and a calf apparently. How exciting is that? I wish I'd seen them but have only seen photo's and video on facebook :(

And on that note I will finish.
Have a good week and keep well until next time.
