Monday, 3 February 2025

Fifty four and counting.

Last week we celebrated fifty four years of married life. We like to mark the occasion with a celebratory meal out if we're home or else go away for a few days.

This year we couldn't go out on our anniversary so we decided to go today and have lunch at Kades Restaurant at the local tavern. It's nice there, not too noisy and the meals are always delicious. We both had fish but I had the veges and my GKB had chips and salad with his.

Afterwards we decided to have a small dessert, which it was :) I think it must have come from the children's menu, we didn't really need the hundreds and thousands on top 😄 But ice cream is always good on a hot day.

This is a photo from our wedding day. Left to right my grandfather, Bob's parents, Bob and me and then Mum and Dad and my grandmother. In front are my youngest brothers who are both grandparebts themselves now. My grandparents are well gone and so are both sets of our parents. It's lovely to have a photo of them all together.

My middle sister was my bridesmaid and Bob's best friend his best man. Youngest sister couldn't make it as she was in Wellington due to have her first baby and my eldest brother was serving in the navy and in Scotland at the time. Bob's family all made it :)

Hiccups? One or two. I wasn't living in the town we were married in and I thought I had everything arranged. Church and date tick. Hairdresser tick. Flowers tick. Venue for reception tick.
But the vicar was going to be on holiday when we wanted to get married so a later date was decided on.
The hairdresser sold her business and didn't inform the new owners there was a wedding booked in. We had to, and did, find another one at very short notice. Phew.
The florist couldn't get the flowers I wanted for my bouquet so we decided on others. I wasn't happy with my bouquet but at least I had one.
Sis got badly sunburnt the day before the wedding and she was padded up with cotton wool wherever anything was going to rest closely on her skin (like her underwear). So sore, and because I know I can see it in the photo's. Other people just think she has a lovely glow about her.
When Bob's suit arrived it was too big and no hope of getting another as he'd hired it and we were a couple of hundred miles away from where he'd got it.

But we did end up getting married and when all's said and done all these things are not what's important. It's about the promises made on the day. And the people who come to celebrate with you.
(Although I didn't necessarily see it that way when everything was going wrong).

I hope I haven't rattled on too long.
Until next time
God bless, 



  1. Congratulations! You sure had some hiccups but they do give you memories later, and then you can even laugh about it. I enjoyed the photos.

  2. Congratulations! 54 years is a long time, I we will celebrate 56 in August, Lord willing! Your pictures are lovely. Yes, so nice to have the grandparents and parents in the picture with you. I treasure the one I have like that too. Sounds like a lot things going haywire at the last minute, but thankfully your wedding took place and in spite of it all you have lasted all these years together! That's a blessing!! Happy Anniversary!!! May God bless you with many more!

  3. wow happy anniversary! Food looks good. I'm one of those people who gets sunburned too very quickly, doesn't take much.

  4. How lovely to read about your wedding. You were a lovely bride. Congratulations on 54 years of marriage!

  5. Just reading this... and Congrats on your 54 years!! We just had 57 in January, but because of the cold and the Presidential Inauguration on our Anniversary, we didn't go out as planned. Still haven't celebrated, but we will soon. Loved reading about your wedding and all the things that happened. But the important thing was the wedding itself and that happened!


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