Friday, 5 August 2016

It's snowing today

Earlier in the week other sorts of other excitement 
was happening outside our window. We are having new 
broadband cables laid and this was the scene outside.

But I want to show you some of the quick pics I took today,
so here we are, this is more or less the same scene today.

At the moment we are having a bit of a sleet storm.
It may turn to snow but it may just turn to slush.

We are too low lying to get good snow very often, 
but high enough for the schools to be closed 
occasionally due to teachers not being
 able to make it. Today the schools are closed 
as this weather bomb moves up the country. 
A snow day for the kids, they'll love it.

My poor polys are not looking too good.
 I need to get out and do some cleaning up 
and get rid of the dead leaves etc.That's frozen 
snow on the leaves. They are getting a bit 
of a hiding this year what with frost and now snow.

Just a little look at part of my yard when
 I got up this morning.We had had a little snow overnight
 and some flurries this morning but not a lot. 

Still it was enough for my GKB to want to go out 
and practice with his camera and while he was out
 he built a mini snowman on the picnic table :) 

I hope you've enjoyed my little bit of winter today 
and all you people sweltering in the blistering 
summer heat have cooled off a little.

Keep well 
whatever you are doing,


  1. Goodness, it is cool here today also only 90, lots of humidity and some rain. Summer monsoon weather.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  2. So funny to see snow in August! But, then, you probably have high tempuratures and sunshine on Christmas. :) It's a big world.

  3. I am in the State of Tennessee in the U.S. August is our hottest month of the summer so it is very refreshing to see your snow!

  4. Here in western New York, it is hotter than you can say hot...however, I am eagerly awaiting fall and winter. I love winter and the tons of snow we get. Enjoyed your photos, smiles.

  5. I love your weather reports Diana!! It amazes me that our world is so big and so diverse. We have a wonderful Creator.

  6. Cute little mini snowman.
    Where I live we don't get those very hot temperatures. Our summer is more like a nice long spring. : )

  7. Loved your snow photos. Refreshingly cool and counters the heat we have here.

  8. Oh, my! It is hard to imagine having snow! My son and I just returned from a very long walk, and oh, my, it IS sweltering here! We will be glad when the fall comes with its cooler temperatures, but praise God for each new day, regardless the weather. I love the little mini-snowman! What a neat idea!

  9. It's weird seeing snow in August! :-P

  10. I am definitely cooled down after going through your photos with snow. We are having 34 deg. C here and we seldom go out in the sun unless necessary. That was a cute mini snowman!

  11. Snow, wow.. Love that mini snowman he's the cutest my favorite... Well here in San Francisco we haven't had much sunny days of summer the surrounding areas have had extreme hot days go figure. Finally yesterday we did have a warm day. Snow we will reach autumn soon and actually I'm seeming to want to greet winter. I enjoyed your post thank you with love Janice


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