Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Thanks and a reading challenge

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who made such 
kind comments on my previous post about Claude. 
Your kind thoughts are really appreciated.


I have decided to take part in the Mount TBR 
reading challenge this year.

I will be aiming for Pike's Peak level which is 12 books. 
Books I already own, not new ones I might buy, or library books. The idea is to reduce the number of unread books you own and I guess in that way to declutter your bookcase just a little. 
If you're interested and want to know more
 about this challenge go here.

I have found 10 books so far that I want to attempt and there are another two that I have seen just recently and which have disappeared again, so I should complete the twelve okay.
I won't list them here though, but will try to remember to mention them as I cross them off the list. Currently I am reading '30 Days to Understanding Church History' and although it might sound a bit dry I am enjoying it. How much I will retain once I'm finished doesn't really matter these days - this is just for interest. And it takes 30 days to read if you do a chapter a day.

I think that's about it for this week
so take care and I will see you
all here again sometime soon.


  1. I set a goal of 75 books on Good Reads. I have done two so far. I am trying to read an hour before I go to bed I also read while waiting to pick the kiddos up from school. Would love to hear what you think of the books you read.

  2. What a fabulous challenge, Diana, and right up my alley :) I received three books in the mail today to review and I have three more on the way...I better get to reading.

    Happy hugs to you!

  3. So interested in this challenge. Please keep us updated.
    I am challenge myself to read 15 minutes a day to help redirect my eye, brain and comprehension. It is hard. I use to read three books at any one time to now being unable to read very little.

    Hope you are feeling not so sad.
    cheers, parsnip

  4. Diana, I need to look on my bookshelf. I think there are a few that I haven't read yet. I love reading in bed but it makes me so sleepy and I don't get very far in my book!

  5. I'm one book down on my Pike's Peak Challenge and working on my second. It should be fun. I'm glad you could join in. Have a great week.

  6. To tell you the truth, its been a long time since I have read a book.
    Must get back to it.

  7. I definitely need to declutter my bookcase. I have books stacked on the floor waiting to be read. I have decided to read 15 this year, but I think 12 is a more realistic number. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I have read almost two so far this new year but don't have a specific number in mind. A challenge is a fun idea!

  9. This sounds like a worthy challenge. :-) I think I might look up some of my unread books and make a "to read" pile. Thanks for the inspiration. :-)

  10. I'm so sorry you lost your cat...it's always so sad to lose a beloved pet. Your reading challenge sounds like a great idea. I'll check it out! Happy weekend!

  11. A great challenge Diana - good on you! I should follow suit! I love the title of the challenge too.

  12. Great goals Diana! Have fun while you achieve it. I need to read more too. Blessings & best of luck! Xoxo


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