Tuesday 27 October 2015

Catch of the day...

...from river to table via the smoker...

Brown trout

Marinating fillets



Labour weekend saw my GKB out on a fishing trip 
and he finally caught something he could
 bring home and put in the smoker! 
We bought it a couple of years ago and 
this is the first time we've used it.

Hoping you've had a good weekend.
Until next time,


  1. The fish looks wonderful amd the lunch looks lovely.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. That's quite a funny story but you did end up with a delicious meal eventually.

  3. Looks yummy! I hope you are able to use your smoker ore often now!

  4. Those fish sure look good once they were cooked. : )

  5. Hi Diana! I have never tasted smoked fish. It does look tasty!

  6. Hi Diana! Oh, those are just beautiful fish! Like Gina, I've never had smoked fish either. It sure looks good! I hope you're doing well and thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I'm salivating just looking at this post Diana! I've been missing for so long and have many of your posts to catch up on and throughout blogland! I love your part of the world and I've missed visiting and for now I'll wish you and yours well and hope you're enjoying the warmer weather! x


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