Saturday 17 August 2024

Spring is coming

"What is this?" youngest daughter wanted to know. 
"I've never seen one before."
Someone suggested an onion flower!

She sent a closeup so we could all see it properly.
Of course it's a snow drop, but she'd never seen one fully open or with the green spots.

That started everyone posting photos of  their spring flowers.

Jonquils on my kitchen windowsill, blown over by the wind
 so I rescued them.

A collage of eldest daughters spring garden,

and some close ups.

Eldest daughter has inherited my grandmothers green thumb,
 I haven't :)

She always has a nice display whatever the season.

So although the weather hasn't quite settled down yet and the sun is shining at the moment and we've been told it could be a wet and windy weekend, the promise of spring has arrived.



  1. Spring flowers are full of promise, aren't they? A shame the wind was knocking them around, but what a great excuse to cut them and bring them indoors to enjoy! Mxx

  2. Lots of lovely colour. Season change is coming .....thank goodness. Roll on spring and autumn

  3. The snow drops are so pretty. I don't think I've ever seen one with green spots on it either.

  4. Seeing these beautiful spring flowers brings a longing in my heart for spring! The snow drops are very pretty.

  5. Liking your spring photos, they are blooming here too. That mystery flower, could it be a type of orchid or jonquil?


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