Saturday 31 August 2024

The last day of winter

It's been a quiet day and I'm pleased about that. I didn't sleep well so was thinking I might need a granny nap this afternoon but I've managed to get through without it :)

It was a lovely day and by lunch time was a pleasant 20 C. The washing was on the line so after lunch I put the cushions on the  swing chair and took my book and sat and indulged myself for half an hour. 

 Then it was time for a drink, inside by now, and I thought I should get out for a walk.  I'm supposed to walk for at least 20 minutes per day to help keep my blood pressure down. I told the doc I don't do cold if it can be avoided and definitely don't do wet and cold. So I've been a bit remiss over the winter, only been out occasionally.

It was lovely to be out and about and much to my surprise 
I really enjoyed it. Spring was in the air and there were quite 
a few others out and about as well. 

When I got back home I took a wander around the yard and came across this little clump of snowdrops and a solitary daffodil down by the back fence. The jonquils at the front of the house are in full bloom as well and look lovely.

And over the fence this is one of two beehives on the neighboring  property. The house is empty now but  the grand daughter of the owners is the beekeeper. There were a few bees about but not many, the wrong time of day I think and maybe not quite warm enough yet. 

And finally I decided to tidy these shelves in the kitchen/dining area. I've still got the very top to do and the toys at the bottom. And I now have a table covered in 'things' I don't recognise (probably my GKB's), books to give away and small games to find a box for. 

Now our evening meal is over and we're sitting relaxing, my book is at my elbow and the paralympics are on the TV.  Well they were, I see my GKB has changed over and is now watching Midsomer Murders :)  I don't mind.

And that was the last day of winter 2024.
Have a great week,


  1. Isn't it wonderful after the winter to be able to sit out and read a book. That swing looks so comfortable.
    Having a beehive next door must be great for your garden. I've noticed we have had fewer bees the last few years. One reason why my pumpkin plants aren't producing i think.
    We will be watching the Paraolympics soon too.
    Happy Spring! down here it's not quite autumn yet

  2. A very nice walk. If you can't get out to walk look on YouTube for Leslie Sansone who has a walking program that I like to do when my hips are not so tender.

  3. You had a warmer day that we did, although I did manage to sit outside in my little garden for a while. No walking though as I have no car at the moment and dislike walking around our streets here as I don't feel safe.
    It is lovely to see spring flowers, isn't it? Have a great day, Mxx

  4. Sounds like a very nice day. We've watched all the Midsomer Murders and enjoyed them.

  5. I have to keep reminding myself when I read your posts that you are on the opposite side of the world from us, so you are just getting over winter and we are just entering fall! You are seeing daffodils and we are soon going to be seeing autumn leaves (well, where I live it will be a bit longer before we see them. We are in the deep south and don't really have a true "autumn".) Here it has been too hot to get out and walk much, and where you are it has been too cold! Maybe with our change of seasons we will both be able to get out and walk more! I did sit on my swing in the yard a bit yesterday morning before it got too warm outside. I haven't watched Midsomer Murders in a long while. We used to enjoy them, however. Maybe we will start again. I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend and upcoming springtime weather.

  6. I thought it might be a bit cold for bees there but good to know Im wrong. We are seeing more and more spring colour here, I have more daffodils flowering.


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