Wednesday, 19 March 2025


 A few days ago I woke to a lovely orange/gold light shining through the window. I went through to the lounge and opened the drapes to be confronted by a magnificent rainbow. It was a beautiful full arch over the southern sky just as the sun was coming up.

This is all I could get on my phone camera and it doesn't 
look like much. Too much 'stuff' in the way. 

Then the phone pinged. Vanessa sent this pic through to the family chat page - taken from her workplace.

Then the phone pinged again. This time granddaughter 
shared a pic - taken on her way to work. 

And this is another one of Vanessa's. Saddle Hill bathed in light overarched by the rainbow. I live the other side of the hill.
For me the rainbow brought to mind a verse from pslams,
The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19 v 2. 
And the story of the rainbow after the flood in Genesis where God promised never to flood the earth again and put a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of his promise.
Thank you for your concern about my friend who I told you about in my last post. She is home now after spending five days in hospital. Still in her own home as she has a few ongoing hospital and clinic appointments to go too but we are all hoping she will head down to her daughter's place for a week or two of rest and recuperation once they are over.
Take care

Saturday, 15 March 2025

A different sort of week

It started out as a normal week.
On Monday I went out for a very enjoyable coffee date with a lady from church. I haven't known her long so it was a good opportunity to get to know each other a bit better and we found we had a few things in common. Like line dancing, she still goes, I don't. She also goes to an exercise group for older people that I am trying to get back into. Anyway there were other things as well and we'll probably catch up again but she lives in the city and I live in the burbs so possibly not too often.

On Tuesday my GKB and I finally got to go out for my birthday lunch and that was lovely too, even if the rain did decide to bucket down just as we arrived at the restaurant. We both had crumbed schnitzel with onion gravy and chips with salad. I don't know about you but I am not a fan of modern salads, I find them hard to eat unless I've something to mix them with - this time it was either chips or gravy! But don't get me wrong it was a thoroughly enjoyable meal apart from that :) Washed down with a cup of tea for me and a cold drink for my GKB.

Then Wednesday happened! 
I'd done my shift at the shop, come home and had just got changed and sat down to have a hot drink before tea and the phone went. It was one of my friends, she was at her doctors and needed to go to the Emergency Dept at the hospital urgently and would I be able to take her? So of course I did - but I really can't understand why they didn't call an ambulance for her.  Her nearest family are two hours away by car. I sat with her at the hospital until 9:30pm when they decided to admit her. She is a very sick little lady, with a pulmonary embolism on each lung.

I sat in the foyer waiting for my GKB to come back and pick me up, he'd driven us in but I didn't see the point in both of us sitting there with her and I didn't want to go home in case they decided not to admit her. I had the shop again the next day but I also needed to take things like toiletries into her as well as some clean underwear, so that was the morning taken care of.

 Friday I stayed home and caught up on sleep and then did my washing. I wasn't vey interested in doing anything else. Call me strange if you like but I quite enjoy washing and pegging it out on the line - relaxing in the warm sun. Today is Saturday, I've been in for a visit and caught up with friend's daughter who is hoping to take her home with her for a few days when she is discharged. I hope she's sensible and goes with her.

On the way home from the hospital we visited The Warehouse where they are starting to get ready for St Patrick's Day and of course Easter. One of my sisters in Aussie wants marshmallow eggs so we were looking for those for her.

So I apologise that I haven't been visiting as I might, 
I've been a tad busy this week and haven't had the energy :)

Take care until next time.


Monday, 10 March 2025

And the ducks came back

About six weeks ago it was thought things were getting a bit overcrowded so some of the ducks had to be culled.

About a dozen or so were rounded up, put into crates
 and loaded onto the back of the ute. 

They drove for a couple of hours and released the ducks near a large body of water where there was no danger of overcrowding.

A week ago the ducks came back - bringing all their kids with them. 
Obviously there's no place like home :)

Take care, have a good week.



Thursday, 6 March 2025

A couple of birthdays, a cyclone and orcas

A couple of birthdays seventy six years apart. 

Well that's our age difference. Young Theo turned one on Wednesday and I had my 77th birthday a couple of days before. 

Theo had a wonderful day, he woke to a room full of balloons and birthday presents from his Mum.

And after his Dad picked him up from daycare he came to his Granma's house for smash cake and more birthday presents. He's so loved by his rellies, inlaws and outlaws. There's an awful lot of us.

Smash cake, in case you're not familiar with it, is a sponge cake covered in cream or ganache which is just for baby to smash and play in. In this case leftovers went to Sassy, the dog, who thoroughly enjoyed it. There's generally other cake for other people:) He, Theo,  had lots of fun :)

Mum picked him up about 6pm and he went home for a party with Mum's family where he had a Micky Mouse cake - and of course more presents. I think he would have been a tired wee boy by the time bedtime came and I'll bet he slept well.

Diana had a much quieter day but still enjoyable. My friend Carol rang the evening before to see if anyone was taking me out to lunch and if not could she? So I said yes and we went up to Blend for a very pleasant lunch and chat before she had to head off to her exercise class. We had hoped to sit out in the garden area but the weather didnt cooperate.

In the afternoon Vanessa came over and fed my sweet tooth. She brought coconut ice and chocolate. The coconut ice is gone but the chocolate is still there. I try to limit my sugar intake these days or I may have to join Carol's class :) Maybe I should anyway, hmm.

In the evening we went over to Aaron and Sofi's home for a lovely roast dinner and they sent us home with all the leftovers which was enough for another meal each! They also gave me a voucher for one of the clothing shops here in town and a lovely card. 
My GKB and I are going out for lunch tomorrow which I'm quite looking forward to. At the Grange. My GKB hasn't been there before so a new experience for him.

image courtesy Bureau of Meteorology Australia

We've been watching Cyclone Alfred with interest. It's off the east coast of southern Queensland today and due to make landfall in the next 24 hours. It's fifty years since they've had a cyclone in the area. I have a friend and a cousin in the Brisbane/Gold Coast area so praying they're not too badly affected. When we first started watching it was off the coast of Mackay in north Queensland and we have quite a number of family members there so were quite relieved when it changed track and started heading south. Now it's just a matter of watching and waiting.

And something totally different - we have had orcas in the harbour! An adult male and a calf apparently. How exciting is that? I wish I'd seen them but have only seen photo's and video on facebook :(

And on that note I will finish.
Have a good week and keep well until next time.


Thursday, 27 February 2025

Bellview Wetlands and a memorial

About a month ago my GKB and I went for a trip through to the Fruitlands area to buy stone fruit from the orchards. We thought we'd arranged to meet our eldest daughter's partner for lunch at his place but he never arrived. Someone had their wires crossed, not sure who, but never mind. We had drinks and snacks in the car. 

We thought while we waited for him we'd carry on down the road towards Gabriel's Gully and have a look at the memorial to Gabriel Read, the first man to find gold in the region and who consequently started the Otago Gold Rush. Unfortunately Mr Read died penniless even as others made their fortunes. It's a very simple monument but befitting. A miners pick and shovel on a stone cairn with a brass plaque.

We were away for about quarter of an hour then headed  back to Steve's place and I took a few pictures of the wetlands. I was watched very closely by a neighbour as I went up the drive to the house to a higher vantage point. The house is up on a rise and overlooks the wetlands. They're  not open to the public yet so I didnt want to actually venture further on to the property, especially as I was being watched :)

Steve (daughter Jacqui's partner) has developed the wetlands over the past 20 years including  building the structures on it, (bridges, tracks, waterwheels, ponds etc). Every now and then he has school groups come in and they help with the planting out of natives plants and learn a little about conservation - plants, animal life and such. I think they all enjoy that. 

I know I enjoy walking around there but haven't been for a while and it's been developed further since I was there. I'm looking forward to having another look around sometime.

 Steve never did turn up so after half an hour or so we went on our merry way and left Bellview Wetlands for another day.
Bellview? Because you have a good view of the church bell from the property.

That's it from me for now. 
Enjoy your week and the upcoming weekend.



Monday, 17 February 2025

A hot summer day.

Yesterday was a beautiful summer's day and so we decided we'd go over to the Party in the Park. We took the car even though it was within easy walking distance. It was soooo hot. 🔥 

There were lots of families there, that's who it's aimed at, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves :)

We just strolled around enjoying the atmosphere but not the heat, it was 29°C and just a tad too hot for me. I was pleased I'd put on a hat and sunscreen.

The small amount of shade provided by trees, shade sails and umbrellas was already taken by others who'd arrived earlier and were settling in to enjoy the music. Next time I must remember to take an umbrella, I saw one or two with them and remembered we always took one when we wandered around in Japan in the sun.

 There were the usual food trucks and craft stalls and bouncy castles for the kids to play on. And the miniature train was running giving rides to any who wanted one.

But as much as we enjoyed being out and about we were both pleased to get home and have a nice bowl of ice cream and peaches while sitting in our air conditioned lounge :)

Take care, keep well until next time,


Friday, 14 February 2025